On charging at windmills
The flatwarming. Oh dear. It always sounds like a good idea, like that road trip to Gore or inviting Charlie over for a bit of halo 'action'.
We had painted the flat institutionalised green for the occasion, and added a splash of colour to the event by using some pink trim in the kitchen and flesh/peach in the bathroom. The fundamentalist Christian even cam out and offered people my food for a while. Cheers. It had been ordered from Blenheim and the courier/my parents were quite willing to deliver it - and they then proceeded to drink Nic under the table. Of course Nic had decided not to drink - an action which can only be taken as either a deliberate and calculated snub on his part, or confirmation that the world will indeed end on New Years Eve. Peer pressure did not work and for my efforts I received a sharp slap from Emily who should have been spending more time trying to seduce Robert (the flatmate who was handing out food) and earn the $10 I'd promised her. Does that make me a bad person? Can always get the Mormons to save me after death.
I took up the challenge of drinking and managed to get considerably more trolleyed than what I had expected. I was hit a number of times, mostly by Richard during the course of our boxing match where I (apparently) kicked his freakin ass. Booya. And once by Pete who was frustrated that he couldn't punch Sarah (in a boxing fight) and thus punched me.
Those of you who know Ben well will be aware of his propensity to treat all inanimate objects as though they were his mortal enemy - a Quixotic trait which has left a number of bemused expressions on Sara's face and a number of inanimate objects trembling in fear. Well, that night was the night of the flying fox in the park next door. For this particular fight he had enlisted the support of Dave (Miller). Ben sat in the saddle of the fox, with Dave on his shoulders. Flying (as flying fox's are wont to do) down the wire at an incredible rate of knots, and slammed into the tires at the end. Unable to hold on after the fox was at 90degrees, Ben fell to the ground. Unable to sit on Ben's shoulders, Dave also fell to the ground. Luckily for Dave, Ben cushioned his fall. Flying Fox 1, Ben 0.
Not to be outdone, however, Ben took to the flat (obvious conspirator with the flying fox) and removed part of the railing, and dug a hole in the ground.
Well done, Ben.
And Charlie and Hayley had a showdown. Effects can be seen here.
Not much else has happened lately. Mysterious Girl has gone to ground and has not been sighted for a while. My thesis, on the other hand, has been sighted lately and is going well. Claire wants to kill our flatmate. Super.
And happy birthday to Ben. Who is now old.
Am off to Blenheim (not Queenstown). Will be down the sounds for a week or so. Will be back in early January.
Have fun and keep drinking over the Christmas period, and don't be sucked in by all that bourgeois commercial crap.
Let me eat cake
The adventures of Dave in wonderland
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