I taste like burning
There are numerous things wrong with this world. I can't help feeling that my sleeping patterns are one of them. This is not said through some arrogant, self centered approach to the world which deems my sleeping patterns to be more important than the lives of countless Iraqis or Sudanese. It is said through the arrogant and self centered approach to my life. Sleeping patterns can help determine my approach to day to day (night to night) activities which in turn influence how I see and approach the world. In an attempt to shock myself back into something resembling a sleeping pattern, I was here bright and early this morning. Still here, although I did cheat with a nap on my office floor. Work, of course, is completely out of the question as I struggle to recognize the difference between the door and the wall so trying to figure out complex social theory would be out the window (pun intended).
The end result is I think I'm resembling a dangerously out of control Masters student unable to tell the difference between right and wrong, answerable to no man and only the right (wrong) kind of woman. The road is a terrible mistress. This is a terrible metaphor.
The court case over the Pledge of Allegiance was predictable resolved due to the father not really being the father. This is lame.
Five justices -- led by Justice John Paul Stevens -- said Michael Newdow, the father, did not have the legal standing to bring the case. Newdow, who is involved in a custody dispute with the mother of their third-grade daughter, could not speak for the girl, the court ruled.
The minority decision said that constitutionally there was no problem with freedom of speech and called Newdow (the Dad/not-Dad) a 'heckler'. Hmmm. Ashcroft likes this ruling.
But in good news, Fi has her own blog. Feminism everywhere rejoices and the chances of her ever cooking me some eggs is diminished greatly. Do not confuse her blog with this site or this catalogue.
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Dave, I am concerned. Are you going around slowly assimilating other peoples blogs, or worse yet, bodies and souls?(I was almost tempted to spell "bodies"
"body's" to incur the Wrath of Claire, but that would have been too easy)I think Fi is quite capable of speaking for herself....Or is she?? Are you a Borg?
PS I had to google to find out what Borgs were called, because, despite two very very poor Star Trek references, I AM NOT A GEEK (SIC)
1) Yes I am assimilating blogs. Like China assimilated Tibet. Unlike Tibet, if Fi wants the blog I'll sign it over to her and have no say in the internal runnings of the said blog.
2)While Fi has the ability to create a blog of her own, it must be recognised that I was in a state resembling drunkeness caused by a lack of sleep when created it - and I think most people want Fi unleashed online.
3)Next assimilation - Soma. And I'm not talking about the blog.
You do realise that if you assimilate me, you take on all my responsibilities, which currently includes my thesis. Imagine, two thesis(es) to complete, Dave. I imagine it is much like looking into the Total Perspective Vortex, of which only someone with a universe sized ego can survive. Actually, maybe you are the man for the job........
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