Monday, May 31, 2004

Science of shopping

They say that when women go shopping and find an item of clothing or a toaster on sale, endorphins are released into their system. Endorphins are also released into their system when they have sex. Incidentally, endorphins are also released into the system of the male when they have sex. Apparently men do not get the same pleasure from shopping - this is backed up by my own experience.

I could understand it if women got endorphins because of anticipated sexual activity. But I am not aware of toasters leading to anything other than toast or the occasional golden crumpet. Ironic that a toaster would get a bit of crumpet.

Given the women get sexual pleasure from a non-sexual activity, it is only fair that men also get sexual pleasure from a non-sexual activity. So far my research has proved inconclusive. I would like to clarify that the rucks and mauls of rugby do not give me the same reaction as metaphorically and hypothetically similar encounters with attractive members of the opposite sex.

Perhaps the only semi-logical thing I've learnt from all this is that when I grow up I want to be an endorphin.


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