Monday, June 21, 2004

I walk with the dead

My sleeping patterns now officially suck, and I am therefore changing my name to that Vampire with attitude - Spike. Not that we're really that similar. He's undead, I'm unliving. He's platinum blond, I'm brown. He scored Buffy, I didn't. Apart from that....

Claire and I saw The Punisher last night. It had lots of bang. Am consistently surprised that someone as intelligent as Claire is attracted to plots with little or no intellectual pizzaz. It did, however, have Thomas Jane half naked for about half the movie and I think that might have something to do with it. Officially, he does nothing for me.

Mclaren still suck, although less than they previously did - having both finished the Indy GP and are now ahead of Sauber with 17 points - only 19 points behind Williams who have not finished a GP for 2 races. Ralph crashed spectacularly and am surprised he can still move. Big bang. And Minardi won a point. Awesome. You will note, Tim, that the big canary team that is Jordan did not score a point.

I'm off to stalk the living.


At 21 June 2004 at 20:46, Blogger Bella said...

Intellectual pizzwhat? You lost me at shirtless Thomas Jane....mmmmm....shirtless Thomas Jane.......

At 21 June 2004 at 21:12, Blogger Luther said...

"The Jordan F1 ladies are the most-photographed of the Grid Girls." - According to some page


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