Saturday, December 20, 2003

The Sounds

Have just returned from the Sounds nursing a rather sore and cut eye. Nothing too serious and should clear up quickly, but enough to put me off writing too much more, especially given I was daft enough to write a Christmas email just before. I think the injury was ordained by the large Spotty in the sky who was angry at my for hooking so many little spotties up through the mouth and into the eye.

We all feel much better for some r+r. Especially Mum who needed it after being denied a promotion because she was female. We'd take them to court if it was worth it. Hell might know no fury like a woman scorned, but Hell hasn't counted on one women, one husband and two very angry sons before.

And while I was gone, a fire in Chch, Saddam was captured, and the Black Caps actually look reasonable. See what happens when I tuen my back on you lot for a few days?

Will write later on Sounds adventures.

Hope the birthday party went well and there wasn't too much broken.


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