Monday, February 09, 2004

Synthetic Temper

There have been a number of interesting blogs this week. If you want to watch someone blow her nut I strongly suggest you read Claire's little rant on Americana. Young Mr Caygill has kept up to date with the Democratic primaries, and it is also worth reading the discussion for, well, discussion. He's recently been approached by someone from the NYT, so snaps for Torshin.

And if you are brave, you can attempt to immerse yourself in the cancerous growth that has risen from the ashes of Ben and Emma's 'argument' over Fight Club. Interesting blogs on this argument can be found here, here and Cardinal (Ben)'s entry here. The debate has already claimed Ben's thesis, and I do not suggest attempting to wade in the muddy alternate universe that this argument has become.

To continue on that line - why is it that several blogs have referred to my tongue-firmly-stuck-in-the-cheek 'history' of the pirate party as being an accurate account? I am astonished and, frankly, more than a little frightened that a bunch of seemingly educated louts would recognise the difference between an awards show and a history documentary/account. I mentioned James T's crotch about five times! In itself this is not necessarily bad (move past the crotch, people), but the alarming trend to ignore history unless it serves some political or entertaining purpose is, and I'm going to be frank again, worrying. I think I'm still a little hung up on the Don Brash logic that politicians can distort what has happened in the past to legitimise the redneck vote. Historians can be awfully territorial sometimes, and their might be an element of that in my feigned outrage. Or perhaps I'm f#%*ed off that someone believes they can disrespect my and our shared heritage, history and culture in order for personal gain. Perhaps I'm annoyed that I acknowledge that he has a point. I don't know, and to be perfectly honest, I'd rather not know. Ignorance is bliss, and perhaps I long to become an American citizen.

I am suitable impressed that James T's crotch managed to get in a paragraph that contained the words 'history', 'documentary' and 'Don Brash'.

In other, unrelated matters I've gone and got myself a new guitar. It's a Walden Dsomething and comes with in a rather pretty red colour. Claire saw it earlier and began to giggle (after she'd played it)- I'm hoping for that sort of reaction to come from lovely girls. It's got a rather high action, so my fingers had better get hard soon. Has a rather lovely pickup as well, so maybe when I one day can afford an amp I'll take it down to the evil flatmate's new flat at 3 in the morning....

Breathe. That's the key.


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