Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Devastating Dave

I am almost proud to admit that I defy several laws of nature. These are, in no particular order:

Thou must conform to social norms. Such as sleeping patterns. Bollocks, I say. Bollocks. I said it again. Sleeping patterns are for pansies. Real men, like Spike, Angel and myself, don't need the social constraints of norms such as 'daylight'.

Murphy's Law. Not to be mistaken with having 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. That's neither ironic nor Murphaic. What would be ironic would be being in a knife store, needing a knife and there not being a knife. Regardless, I have defied Murphy's law of embarrassing things going wrong at inopportune moments and replaced it with Dave's law. Which is amusing things going wrong most of the time. Such as the bus story or the pirate story - which wasn't so funny at the time but the drugs make everything funny and colourful.

The law of using the first person when blogging. Dave don't recognize no law. Dave is the law. *ergo self recognition is something of a problem*

As can be seen in my 1980s turntabling bling bling days. Respect the threads.


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