Saturday, July 31, 2004


Honours has finally finished. Obvious, I hear you say, as I finished honours over 18 months ago. But a bunch of us carried through and did our Masters together. Most of them have finished (having an ethic and all). Sarah has a flash job in archives New Zealand, up in Wellington. Nice. And Mike and Hayley step on the plane today, with Corey, to go to Japan. Jimbo is going to Britain in a month or two. Angela to Canada soon also.

In the course of the last week and a half I've been to three going away dinners, one going away breakfast, and a going away party. Fat bastard.

It feels quite weird to be left behind. Not that I want to go, but Japan is a long way away. Then again Mike and Hayley, unlike some, aren't the type of people to move away and then deny that we still exist. Am trying to convince them to blog. Blog is the answer to everything. Except perhaps for work because if blog was the answer for work then surely Ben would have blogged more than what he has been doing lately. Even Nic has blogged more - letting us know the crime weather in Saskatoon is disturbingly charmingly revealing.

Right. I'm going to cocoon myself in a lots of work. That, at least, isn't going anywhere.


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