Thursday, February 12, 2004

How like a Wilderness

I am a vortex of pure and swirling lethargy. I wonder if lethargy can swirl, and if it does so vigorously is it still lethargic? Never mind. The point is, I feel like I want to hit my head against a brick wall. I'm researching and writing up my historiography (literature review) at the moment. I don't really know anyone who enjoys this process as it takes forever and you are constantly worried that you are either going to miss something completely or misinterpret what has been said. It will be fine in the end, and for some odd reasons these sorts of essays always get my best marks - possibly because I sweat blood over them. This blog is at times a haven because it means I can vent my frustration and pent up humour on unsuspecting targets such as politics, Don Brash and Claire.

You may have noticed that I have managed to include a comments option on my blog. There were those who said that it couldn't be done on blogger. Mike has grasped the fact that he can use this to comment on my blog and the content in my blog. Unfortunately he has yet to grasp the concept of coherence. But this is redeemed by the fact that he agrees with everything I say. All I can add to this is 'awesome'. I have my first groupie.

Good work at the stag night last night. I'm not sure why a stag night was held at an internet cafe, or for that matter who the stag was. It was enjoyable and I got into the mood of things by exclaiming that 'Dave is King' rather more than what I ought to. Never mind. Lots of violent games were played and many corpses lay at my bloody feet, and I now own Torshin/Combat Wombat.


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