Friday, February 27, 2004

Still argh but procrastination is coming along nicely

Good news is that my clock over there on the left has passed the big 1000 since the start of the year, and in the last blink of an eye has crept up to 1100. Awesome. And you think all I do is procrastinate. Perhaps the increase in traffic is due to one blogger's opinion that I got rather mean about the star wars debate. I'm not sure how she got this opinion, although I'm sure the good people at Colmar Brunton have a fair idea. No harm was intended and my point was that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Somehow, in the midst of the heated debate, Ben waded in and started talking about cannibalism. I take no responsibility for his deprived lusts.

Secondly, it has become apparent that I am more coherent when I type. This is due to the fact that when I type my stream of consciousness is not filtered by my tongue. It might be if I typed with it. From now on I'm going to stop talking and communicate by using a whiteboard and whiteboard marked.

Supervisor very happy with what I've been doing. I'm very surprised.



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