Wednesday, February 18, 2004


My mood has been improved somewhat over the last 15 minutes or so after reading the comments that some of you have written. Take Corey's classic diatribe on the misfortunes of being a student. You can almost pinpoint the moment his heart breaks when he realises the futility of his and our existence. Fortunately, I don't care anymore. No offence, Corey.

Secondly, someone who I don't know, or don't know I know, thinks that I am funny 'beyond belief'. I've learnt to take these comments well. Sarah (Nic's, although I don't intend to imply possession. I just know too many bloody Sarahs and haven't found the time to do anything about it.) once told me that she thought I was a funny man. I think that was a compliment. Anyway, Kristen might be another member of the rather large TBALC or an affiliated group. Or Kristen might be the representative of a large and powerful publishing company looking to publish my life story through the medium of action hero comics. Comic for the comic. Awesome.

To change topics from the awesome and the delusional to the delusional and scary: Claire and Nic. I've already published on the topic of 'I'm not stalking!', and 'Please, Hayley, don't stalk mysterious girl.' I thought I made my thoughts perfectly clear. I will bumble my way though to a sophisticated and elegant romance. By myself, and without creepy help - no matter how well intentioned. Clairely this message has not worked. Nic and Claire have been looking up things they shouldn't, and I'm not convinced that they were doing it for my benefit (a la Hayley) - not that that would have made it right, but perhaps more understandable and honorable. I would be more annoyed if I wasn't trying to think up ideas for Surly-man the comic.

Little boy in trouble: Help me if you can I'm feeling down.
Surly: *shrugs and walks away*.


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