Corey go loco
According to Corey I am munted. I'm not really sure how he comes to this conclusion (although he had had time enough to read the all work and no play blog). And why he chose me over, I dunno, Tim eludes me. Especially as the three of us had coffee/coke and red bull and Corey spent a good portion of the time telling Tim he was a munter. Fair enough, I've never laughed so hard in the last three months. Tim cried. While it is good to see the Corey has officially become a Masters student with his 'I don't care attitude', the fact that he wants to bottle up his feelings of melancholy and lethargy is not good. The blog (apart from giving us power, money and women!?!) serves as a mechanism to existentialize our grit, grief and angst. Dividing our pain into small bite sized pieces them and swallowing them so we do not have to deal with them probably explains our high suicide rates and large number of people who like to injure themselves by running half marathons or drinking large quantities of the Dark Lord.
Let it our, Corey. Give in to your anger. And put your muntedness on the net for all of us to look at and laugh with and at. It's where it belongs. Or you could be like Torshin and write serious stuff, become the PM of somewhere (Ireland - I want the Corrs - you can have the guy) and give me a cushy, well paid job with lots of 'benefits'.
Ohhhh, Swiss tax avoidance schemes. Named Heidi.
In other news, I 'have an important new business development shaping up bed.' According to orkut - I'm a gigalo. Love you long time, love you good time.
Let me eat cake
The adventures of Dave in wonderland
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