Thursday, August 12, 2004

I get some odd people visiting this site. I got a Canadian visitor who arrived at my site after finding a link from yahoo search. They'd typed in 'cannibal girls who will eat me'. Which, of course, lead to my site.

I'm not a girl. Nor will I eat you.

Interestingly it appears that I have every word in the quoted sentence above - except for 'girl'. Anyone that surprised? Certainly not mother dearest who commented a couple of nights ago that I'm going through cars faster than I have through women. It's painful when you mum starts making jokes.

Blenheim is good. It is quiet - save for the music in the background (did I tell you RH is bloody good?). They have food up here! I mean real food - like the stuff in movies, except that it was actual food and not the fake plastic props they use to make it look like food in the movies. bastards. No more cheap crap eaten on the run. At least, not for a week or so. And I can relax - which is a very odd feeling. It's, like, good.

But it is Blenheim, and there are some downsides. Such as no social life whatsoever. Less than before, even. Which is good for work. but.... At least Ben has coincided with his 'must do something... must write something... my girlfriend is a computer desk' stage with my absence. It means a) I can laugh while up here and b) I can avoid his mad descent into BBC scriptwriter (Black books on tonight!).

The mighty Aqua Marine Plastic Cups had a victory last night over the Big Kahunas (6-3), despite (or because of) the absence of their talented and skilled captain. (Me). Good work, lads. Especially Tim. Who scored.

Hmmm. Lets examine these events.
Ben attracted to computer desk.
Tim scores goal in soccer.
Something is missing. I predict something odd happening. Ball in your court, Nic.

In other exciting news... the basic points of contract law is causing controversy, Michelle is going gaga over a kitten (you go girl), and Corey has discovered that he is short in Japan.

we live in exciting times


At 17 August 2004 at 05:23, Blogger sigma1 said...

Short? I dont think i said that, just that the Japanese are not AS short as i was expecting. They are still pretty short overall that said. Good times.


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