Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Disclaimer and Goodness

This is a disclaimer to those who might get offended by the latest round of 'experiments' are going to take place in the U.S. now-ish. I'm especially talking about those people who are trying to finish up their Masters soon and don't want another reason to get angry at the Bush administration. Don't go here.

Other people can and will probably react with the same response that I did. Probably not as bad as I'm thinking... right?

In other and better news, won debating tonight *huzzah* although did not debate outstandingly well. And had first rugby practice tonight - am no-where near as fit as I thought I was (which wasn't that high to begin with). Tackling people takes it out of you. Mental note - get a girlfriend.

For those groupies who want to watch me get the bejezzus knocked out of me out of compassion or enjoyment (good stress relief) I'm playing my first game this Saturday, 1PM on Ilam fields. Huzzah.

And talked to supervisor today who is quite enthusiastic about my thesis. Am confused but happy. For those of you who attended the seminar I gave on coping mechanisms the other day, that's what he's happy about.



At 26 May 2004 at 14:44, Blogger Emma said...


Also, I'm really not sure of the connection between tackling and girlfriends. But maybe that's just me.


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