Sunday, August 15, 2004

Well, on the day most of the South Island has been lashed with water, both the frozen and dripping, our house is as dry as the proverbial desert. *damn - Italians tripped Phil Jones and it looks like they're going to win the bball* One of the taps in the bathroom played up and kept leaking. Cue me going into the garage at 2.30am to get a big red tool box in an attempt to a) look manly for my audience and b) stop the drip. By 2.35 I was standing in the bathroom with a spanner, water still continuing to splash all over the show and a big goofy grin was on my face. I didn't break anything - I didn't even try. The image of me and a spanner was too much. Like Florida, Jeb and democracy it was tempting fate. So I went to bed. Turns out Dad, while being considerably more competant than me in most areas, couldn't quite fix it so we've had to turn off the water in an attempt to avoid sinking.

*damn - lost bball. bbastards*

Apart from that, surprise surprise, I haven't really been up to much. Except work and sleep. And swashbuckling forays into the urban jungle that is Blenheim. Actually - I ended up at a secondary schools jazz competition in the local pub. Don't ask why. It was fantastic. Good beer, good music, and they had the NPC on the screen behind the students. No-one from Marlborough, all schools were from Chch and Dunedin. And the standard of Jazz was pretty damn high. Two students stood out - one bass player who played a pretty cool bass jazz song solo and a young guitar player (hot, hot Fender) was doing a pretty good Hendrix cover while maintaining a 'look, my face has no muscles' look.

Looks like another Ferrari 1-2 tonight. McLaren had a good package but went and blew the tire choice (ha!). Damnit. P10 and p12 is too far back on this track. BAR and Reanult are up there but I don't think they'll get through. Maybe the rain.

blog more. and better. do it.



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