Happy Dave, Angry Dave
The title is not supposed to allude to that tension between our competing natures, but does so nicely anyway. I've got a theory, possible broken, that everyone has two competing sides. Yin, yan, black, white. In my case the struggle is between the idealist (Happy Dave) and the cynic (Angry Dave). Due to the fact that I am a student, with no money worth speaking of, an increasing loan, and a love life so dry that the sahara looks like a sunny oasis, the cynic is the dominant force at the moment. This is probably bad news for you lot as we have just entered the year of the monkey, and I'd much rather be facing a happy/idealistic monkey than a cynical one. I should point out that by using the term 'angry', I'm not refering to a pulsating emotion which causes my to turn green and rip my clothes off like a bad soft porn actor. I'm looking at the more frustrated anger. If you think of George W Bush talking for 8 minutes on the use of steroids in professional sport in his State of the Union speech - that's the sort of frustrated anger/emotion I'm trying to describe.
There was a point to this. I've been trying to learn to play the guitar off and on for quite some time now. Frustrated with the lack of progress on my guitar, I've decided to sell it and I had it round at Charlies so that Vanessa could have a look at it and decide whether she wanted to buy it ($160 with bag and brand new $40 capo if you're keen). I was round there yesterday and we made a horrifying discovery. My guitar is a 2/3 guitar! Evil *self imposed censorship* shop who sold me the guitar. Very frustrated to think that one of the reasons I never really kept at the guitar was because I was irritated by the small fretboard. I should point out that I do have large fingers - but still grrrr. So I'm going to sell this guitar (it's still in very good condition), get the money that I am owed back from various people and add that to my not inconsiberable stash ($40) that I won at the casino the other night and buy a decent, full sized nylon string classical guitar, learn how to play Pearl Jam's 'daughter' and Gomez's 'We haven't turned around' and wow the ladies.
That, of course was idealistic Dave. Cynic Dave too busy laughing at self.
Let me eat cake
The adventures of Dave in wonderland
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