Tuesday, July 06, 2004


I did blog yesterday, and on my clipboard it comes up as being posted. It does not, however, appear to have posted correctly. No matter. Not the best post anyway, lacking all of my sparkling wit - or whatever it is you people come to my site to read. Personally, I have my suspicions. Procrastinators! Go do some work. Except for you, Ben and Tim. Go look for a job and stop eating up my hard earned tax dollars.

This looks cool. This looks cooler.

In breaking news It appears a ceasefire has been signed between TBALC and the United States after the fall of Honolulu last night. Details are sketchy, however it appears that one of the key points was for a Musical to be performed on Broadway. Confirmed stars include Vin Diesel as Tim, Matt Damon as Si, Ben Affleck as Nic, Dylan Moran as Ben and Orlando Bloom will cameo as Charlina. In Britain Si has appointed Charlie the Earl of Wessex - who has controversially stated that the 'We' in 'Wessex' is silent. Bush has stated that Tim and Ben are not losers. More to follow.



At 6 July 2004 at 17:57, Blogger Saint said...

Mmm, consentual conflict.

Oh, and oi! Ben Affleck? Why I oughta...

At 7 July 2004 at 17:07, Blogger Bella said...

Um, you actually have to like, have a job, and earn money to claim "tax dollars". 1 days work in the last year doesn't count.

At 7 July 2004 at 19:45, Blogger Searlo said...

No kidding. I like to call it 'irony' or 'sarcasm'.

At 8 July 2004 at 12:34, Blogger Bella said...

Um yeah, I knew that (scratches head in manner of person on whom such complicated trickery is lost)


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