Friday, July 02, 2004

Sign of the Apocalypse

I have it on good authority that Tim will submit today - and (more importantly) the registry will accept it. So in a premature outburst that hopefully will not come back to hurt me I say 'Awesome'. I believe TBALC will soon alter its constitution to include having a Masters thesis.

But if we take the event of Tim finishing his thesis and examine it on a global scale, what does this mean for the people? Well, firstly, it is one of the signs that the apocalypse is nigh.

Other recent signals have included:
Ben getting a real life girlfriend.
Charlie getting a real life girlfriend.
Nic not having a girlfriend.
Si is in the States but is not yet fat (enough).
James has a 'long term positioning strategy' - yet included comments....
US Supreme Court laying the smack over the Bush admin.
Mark actually stating the (creepy creepy) obvious.

Personally, I'm hoping that the four apocalyptic horsemen turn out to be hollow chocolate bunnies.

Secondly, it seriously undermines the superstructure of the political science department. Not many people are aware that Tim is actually a crucial support beam after having the department built around him. Now they will only have structure....

Thirdly, the NIAA will have the smack laid on it, Tim styles.

Finally, registry can go home with their tires not being slit. This is probably good for all concerned.

Regardless of the immediate and long term impact of the event, big ups to the big man.


At 2 July 2004 at 18:22, Blogger Miche said...

Excellent. Well done Tim. With the time difference, you should be drunk, right


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