Great Lies I Have Told
Unless it gets really icy on the Kaikoura road - which I'm scared of - I'll cruise back down to Chch on Wednesday. My soccer team needs me. And I need to escape from the place which has bipassed space and time. I believe Te Rauparaha is due to attack again.
Given that I didn't expect to watch the olympics at all I've done rather well out of it. Sarah Ulmer had an awesome race. Good work to her. Have been a little pissed off with the news coverage which focuses on how many medals we've won. Winning medals is fantastic - obviously - but the react negatively to athletes who made to top 15 or 8 or whatever is pretty pathetic.
I've got nothing. Again.
Let me eat cake
The adventures of Dave in wonderland
Ah, yes, Brian Tamaki and his black shirts. Vs Dave. Frankly, I just don't possess that facist sex appeal that can reach out to the masses of homophobic men who like marching together wearing a little tight black number while clenching their fists and raising their arms in a phallic manner. Then again, I prefer women. As evidenced by my numerous sinful affairs over the last couple of years.
At least they know that in the face of domestic abuse, extra-marital and martial affairs, substance abuse, high rates of depression and suicide the sight of two people openly declaring their love for each other will cause the fabric of our society to disintegrate.
Soccer - we're 5th out of 10. Although we apparently should have won but I was not there. Nor were you, Mike. And I'm blaming you. Japan is no excuse. What has 'Japan' done for us lately?
Sorry, I forgot. Corey.
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