Thursday, October 14, 2004

Damn I feel like I've been hit by a train. Late nights in front of the computer screen and running around... yeah ok jogging... fine then, walking briskly... ok, ok, crying like a baby in the corner during hockey and indoor soccer really takes it out of you. And by you I mean me. Probably should start on the whisky again, but it's been giving me funny looks for a few weeks. Accidentally getting drunk on it while watching some late night John Cusack movie and feeling like sin (the bad kind) the next day didn't help. I don't have a problem. Can give up any time I want.

I've suspected for a while that Tim doesn't really resemble normality. Battling aliens to save the world might have something to do with it.

Thesis going well. Have confirmed today that there was a net increase of 750 lettuces produced at the Spangenburg Unterlager 1942-3.

Sadly, I find that really quite interesting and was not intending to mock self.

Sean Penn must have been intending to mock himself with this letter to these guys. Apparently the film is reasonably right wing and a number of the forums are celebrating that this film will stick it too those 'Michael Moore Communists'.

Some people are very scary.

Not me, however. I'm off to count vegetables grown over sixty years ago on the far side of the world.


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