Thursday, April 22, 2004

Pinnacle of Farce

That is, apparently, what I am. Cheers Mike. The desire to wake up from my sick bed and throttle you is now at an all time high.

The angst is strong in this one.

Apparently as a 'long time blogger' I am qualified to test drive Google's new email gmail. I'm not sure why. Possibly they are looking for people who can read and write. I still don't think I qualify. My email for this page is thus now If you email me, I get your email - but with the added bonus of ads! Awesome. I'm betting any mail I get from Tim comes with some dodgy adverts.

In an effort to come up with more money to buy another election, the Bush/Cheney duo have started their own range of clothing. Check out this little tasty number. It is a trendy, yet relaxed way to state that you have no respect for international law or the environment. Or democracy. Or birds. Die little birdie, die die die die die.

And the San Marino GP is on Sunday. I have submitted my picks for the weekend - and sadly they include a Ferrari 1-2 and a McLaren 8-DNF. I want to cry. At least Scott Dixon can race. Even with a broken ankle. Hard man.

Have been watching a number of videos while I've been stuck at home. Including Blade Runner (ok) Magnolia (over-rated but Cruise good) A-I (wtf was that??) and Pulp Fiction (good).

The walls are spinning.



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