Monday, May 10, 2004


I'm not entirely convinced by this new template. No links and apparently I've posted 110 posts - which is 20 more than what I had earlier today (apparently). Some bugs in the system, I suppose.

Anyway - interesting and disturbing thought for the day. We know that human rights are something that apply to all humans. They don't apply to animals. The problem comes when people do not consider people to be human. Classic example - American Declaration of Independence which notes that all men are created equal. Which is utterly brilliant. However at the time black men were not considered to be men, and slavery could continue without the apparent contradiction.

With regard to the photos coming out of the Iraqi prisons - are the detainees considered to be human? Or perhaps, as others have suggested, it is merely the jailer/prisoners psyc experiment on a bigger scale?


At 10 May 2004 at 20:51, Blogger Luther said...

Ohhhhh Blogger ++ with comments. Except you need to have a blogger account. Bah.

Say I.

At 10 May 2004 at 21:09, Blogger Searlo said...

I'm freeloading. So are you, eCosm boy.

At 10 May 2004 at 21:34, Blogger Luther said...

That costs me hard earned... pants.


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