Thursday, May 06, 2004


I have one invitation to send to someone who wants to try out Gmail. Yell out if you want it. I could always put it up for auction on eBay for $200 or something, as some people have apparently done. But if you are Bill Gates I'll give it to you in exchange for stock options or your daughter.

The Simpsons quote system clearly failed miserably. As did my ankle last night after only 8 seconds of indoor soccer. Some primitive chimp took me out when I was not really anywhere near the ball. Sprained ankle. Like the true munter you have come to know and tolerate I played the second half and managed to get my own back on the Neanderthal in question by using my shoulder to fling him to the ground. All perfectly legal. He cried like a little girl.

Mmmm. Violence.

15,000 protestors outside parliament the other day. Big rally in Christchurch in the next couple of days against racism, and the counter rally by the local national front (I really can't speak highly of these little, angry wimpish, pathetic, microscopically small, intellectually challenged, spinally weak, munterish, amateurish, fuckwitery, fu...) in favour of racism. Once upon a time it was the students who would take to the streets and protest about stuff. Now being outdone by the old people. Then again, National's plan to dilute the Nuclear legislation could lead to us hitting the pavement once more.

Mmmm. Peaceful Violence.


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