Monday, August 30, 2004


Ben has figured out that I live for the hits and the comments. This could be due to his super sleuthing abilities. Or the fact that I am open about my addiction. Well, not really an addiction. More like a casual fling. I can walk away whenever I want. Self esteem not tied up with hits and feelings of rejection.

hold me.

Some things are incredibly stupid. Such as Cornelius Horan assaulting the Brazilian marathon runner.

Horan had stapled to his back the message "The Grand Prix Priest. Israel Fulfillment of Prophecy Says The Bible."

He later stated "Greece has a long tradition with Saint Paul and Alexander the Great. Christ deserves a greater honor. I am not a Jew but I love them."

Ah, yes. Alexander the Great, that famous Macedonian Christian martyr.

Horan has previously tried to convert the world by running at Formula 1 cars.

Some things make me smile. Try not to be afraid. I was talking to the daughter of the POW I'm studying. Her grandchildren are taking more of an interest (that it to say, an interest) in her Dad and family history since they heard what I'm doing. She's crediting me with that and was quite enthusiastic about it when I talked to her tonight. I'm a big fan of knowing your own history and it's pretty surreal when I find out I've influenced someone in a good (as opposed to smarmy) way. Especially when I'm just relieved/stoked they're letting me read the diaries.

Bloody thesis.


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