Saturday, September 11, 2004

Ohhh, bad

Rugby is mostly a very awesome game. It is hard, tough, makes you realise just how unfit you are, and lets soft, soft pansies like myself believe that they are hard and stereotypically masculine for a minute or two. But.... We had our semifinal today. The ground was damn hard and after subbing on for 20 minutes and getting taken out off the ball (wanker) I was pretty much done in. We were looking pretty good in the second half (playing Lincoln - dirty, dirty players ordinarily but since it's finals they were playing it mostly clean) up four tries to one. A mall had just descended into a bit of anarchy when this high pitched, blood curdling scream went out. At first I thought someone was taking the piss... no. One of our props had been picked up and twisted, badly dislocating his knee. I've seen some really munted and freaky stuff happen, but this scream.... argh. His knees are pretty screwed and this isn't as unusual an event as we'd like it to be. Anyway,the bloke is damn hard and relocated it by himself. Ref stopped play, which was good because all of us on the bench were looking to hide under rubbish bins and in the trees. No-one wants to go on after that. Anyway, we won and are now in the plate final. Awesome. I'm just hoping I can get rid of that bloodcurdling scream before kickoff.

At least Charlie is back. This numbs the pain. Already conversation has dropped through the gutter. I think Ben's comment to Charlie and I 'Why don't you two go outside and try and beat each other up - that'd be arousing' in the context of us sitting on a couch and playing guitar is up there for the best random quote.

SW spoiler
Apparently the DVD of Star Wars has edited out that dude at the end of ROTJ and put in Hayden Christensen. I don't like that so much. The original trilogy was awesome and I'm wary of Lucas playing around with it. Then again, apparently Whanau II is better than Whanau, so revising classics can work.


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