Monday, November 01, 2004

Dave's authentic long-term repositioning strategy

I'm going on hiatus from you lot. Offline as well as online. I'm severing contact with the outside world in an attempt to delve into the inner world of 'thesis' and 'moving out of the flat'. There are several reasons for this which I will attempt to pass off as reason.

1) Thesis needs love. Current chapter was meant to be 4-6,000 words. Currently 3,200 and only about 1/3 of the way through said chapter. All chapters currently turning into monster chapter. Damnit.

2) Current company way to geeky*. When I can understand Si's joke about a candle being +3 on defensive roles I feel worried. There is a sudden urge to talk beer, rugby and tits, grow a mullet and go around impregnating ho's. That is an over-reaction and my id's attempt to revert back to the summer of 89. Where I was 8. And rather progressive. Steps need to be taken to ensure I don't end up paying child support to twins named Ethyl and Methyl.

3) Fi is in Oz - or will be in 12 hours. This will concentrate the geek factor mentioned above. When she returns I might be able to crawl out of my alpha-male/better-male bunker that will protect me from the current geekfest.

4) Lack of money.

5) Moving out of flat into summer flat of love. Woohoo! There 4 guitars in flat for the 2 of us that can play (in a loose sense of the word) and sweet sweet bbq action. The address is... somewhere out in Aranui.

Friday and Saturday nights should still be good.

All with good intentions. Like Nic and his anti-alcohol/texting/women stance.

Also - election coverage starts at 2pm Wednesday 3rd. Finishes 6pm. Mark Sainsbury is giving us his in-depth knowledge about US politics like the question he asked Bill Clinton. 'Why should NZ care about the US election?' At least we can start on a downer. Most of you will be at work. Suck it. I'll be trying to crawl through a window to the Street's pad and hot tv action. He doesn't know this yet. Shoosh.

Anyway, I'm off to wear a tie to bed.

*geeky. Not to be confused with the nerd-geek continuum. In that scenario 'geek' is good. In this case, geek is not good.


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