Saturday, October 23, 2004

Survivor: Axis of Evil Edition

Castro fell, broke his knee cap and fractured his arm the other day. This has renewed discussion on his successor. Most people think it's going to be one of his sons - who aren't as talented as he at politics et al. Who wants to bet that when Castro finally shuffles off there will be another Bay of Pigs?

The electoral-vote graph is bouncing around more than a bad bad joke which is below me to utter. So I won't, but you would have laughed nonetheless. The election is on November 2. Coverage in NZ will probably be on Nov 3 with the counting and 'analysis' and the pain and the ow. I can't find any timetables so am just relying on memory from last election. We should do something complete with tv, alcohol and whinging. I can supply some alcohol and whinging, but 14" tv not so flash for this sort of thing. We should have official confirmation of the election after a month of lawsuits and dodgy judicial decisions.

Also, talked to supervisor yesterday and he was rather frustratingly positive about my thesis. 'Plundering of the commons' was an idea he pulled out in relation to the individualist vs communalist food situation.

Argh, I'm talking shop. Tame that beast.


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