Sunday, November 07, 2004


Have shifted all of the big items out of current flat to new flat, brother's flat, Charlie and Pete's shagpad and Sara's garage. Sara is clearly awesome. Nic helped the shift - supplying the trailer and man-power. My gammy ankle is acting up, indicating that either trouble's a'brewin' or I shouldn't play soccer tonight. Damn stupid fake plastic body. I'll be on the sideline ready to kick a boot into anyone's face, should the need or urge arise. I'm taking the credit for Nic's newfound 'man-power' and will be putting away the 'butch up girly pants' call until further notice.

Shifting flats always disorientates me. As does daylight - which I'm currently seeing more of. Need to shift pasty white skin into pasty bronzed skin.

Family news - which I ordanarily keep away from my public (ha) isn't so flash. The good news is Nan will be shifting up the a resting home close to Mum and Dad. The bad news is that shortly she won't know who we are. Knew this was coming, but still it's not that fun. Saw Mum at the airport today as she's been down in Dunedin and Milton sorting all the affairs out. She's pretty good considering - although she's lost weight and the mortality of her mother has hit home. I feel bad for Nan but worse for Mum. It's almost expected of grandparents but parents are a different matter.

A little odd at the moment but surreality is just a funked up version of reality which I rarely inhabit so all should be good and clear shortly.


At 8 November 2004 at 10:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very oldness = badness. Hard to deal with. Sorry to hear. Hard to watch you parents deal with their parents, knowing that one day you'll have to deal with your own parents. And suddenly everyone feels very old.

In other news, you're from Milton?! Do you know the Fields?


At 8 November 2004 at 10:48, Blogger Searlo said...

We moved when I was 7, but I guarantee my folks do.

At 9 November 2004 at 10:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul was probably in your class... oh no, maybe a year older, but maybe you had mixed classes, back in the old days, in the old country. Had an older brother called Jason. Parents Maurice and um, can't remember her name, tip of my, er, fingers. Anyway, they're nice. Paul's an old friend. He's getting married in a few weeks.


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